The advent of social media has brought about a massive flow of opportunities online, and many users have been recorded on different platforms in recent years. This has added significantly to the popularity it has enjoyed since its introduction. Several platforms have also been introduced to strengthen social media’s relevance further, and each platform is
Updated on January 28, 2024 Instagram is one of the biggest social media platforms on the globe, and from its creation to now, it has gone through a lot of changes and improvements. With the new features and functionality added almost every week, sometimes it’s hard to keep track of certain things, and one of
Updated on August 9, 2022 There is no denying that the introduction of the internet has helped to make many things easier and effortless, especially sending and receiving information. Yes, Communications between people and groups have experienced a significant increase since the introduction of the internet, and social media has played a vital role in
Updated on August 9, 2022 As a brand, company, or public agency looking to create awareness and visibility about your existence. It is essential to utilize all available media within your reach, including social media platforms. Social media has become the most effective form of creating awareness and visibility because of the number of people