Updated on July 8, 2020

The year 2020 so far has been an up-and-down roller coaster. Social media influencers have had it rough trying to find ideas for posts. Nevertheless, regardless of the times, it’s always great to have ideas for Instagram posts. Creativity is the most precious resource not just on social media but arguably in any business. This is why really creative people are very expensive to hire, and for a small business or an up-and-coming influencer, it’s much more cost-efficient to just handle the creative part themselves. But, as we’ve mentioned ideas aren’t just laying around, you have to give birth to them yourselves. In order to help speed up your page’s growth and improve your engagement rates, here are the best things to post on Instagram for more likes in 2020.
Table of Contents
Video sketches
Have you ever seen the Eric Andre Show?
There’s also the Tim & Eric show. Both of them are sketch and scripted TV comedy shows that are very light and easy to watch. You can claim that latter was conceived a bit too early for the mainstream audience. Such out-there and ridiculous sketches could do extremely well on a platform like YouTube, Instagram and IGTV. With more comedy and funny video content coming into the platform, you could make something like that to entertain thousands of people.
The best thing about this brand of comedy is that it does not require effort or energy for watching. A person can be dead tired after work or just woken up after a long nights’ sleep and they still get a kick. Try to think about short <2-minute video sketches that you could make. We recommend only creating the general idea and improvising along the way. If it’s meant for you, you’ll make it funny somehow. If not, move on to the next suggestion!
Former policemen, former basketball players, suburban soccer moms, water heater repairmen, B-list Hollywood celebrities, your local college jocks, newspaper editors – seemingly everyone nowadays has a podcast where they go to talk about stuff. Of course, making a good podcast is not easy at all, but it certainly isn’t the most challenging product in the entertainment niche as well.
If you video record your podcast or add animations and/or photos to excerpts from your podcast, you could lure in thousands of viewers on both regular Instagram and IGTV. Just look at the sports niche where you have someone like Pat McAfee, entertainment and The Breakfast Club, etc. What you usually need are other people to talk to, because monologues are rarely entertaining, and a topic in which you have more than moderate experience as well as different opinions than your co-hosts.
If you’re looking at the easiest podcast niches to get in to, here’s what we recommend:
· Sports (mainly basketball, gridiron and regular football)
· Politics (only if you aren’t afraid of controversy and haters + enjoy activism)
· Entertainment news (easy to talk about and always room for speculation)
· Business (stocks, trading and economics)
· Comedy (if you have something funny to talk about)
Niche tutorials
In the early days of YouTube, you had channels like KipKay, which were the epicentre of all life-hack and tutorial videos. Nowadays there are so many tutorials to choose from that you can just search for a specific error on your computer and get 7 different tutorials helping you fix it.
Instagram is almost perfectly suited for housing tutorials because if you manage to make a timelapse and it gets featured on the explore page, as well as when showing it in the feed and story section, the engagement rates can go through the roof.
Take a look at these examples below.
This is exactly the type of content you can post on your Instagram page. Combine it with a few thousand purchased followers, likes and/or video views and you have a real possibility to get featured on the explore list. With niche tutorials, it might be best to publish your content on IGTV because if your tutorials are longer than a minute, and you value production quality, that is the best median that Instagram is able to offer you as of now.
Clothing design
You’ll need to know how to draw, sew, cut and have at least a moderately decent taste in fashion. If you think that you lack creativity, that’s just a negative mindset, it isn’t a fact. Sign up for cheap fashion design courses on Udemy as well as follow trending fashion brands in a niche that you’re interested in. You have tons of very different household names and local boutiques to choose from.
New clothes are almost always a good pick for social media business and influencing because every person is different and they’re always on the lookout for fresh ideas in fashion that resonate with them. You can begin by merely adding catchy titles to hoodies, tees and/or other clothing. You have print-on-demand services for that or if you know how to sew, do it yourself and sell the clothes after you promote them via influencers.
Besides dresses and tees, you can also look at customizing sneakers. Some people create multi-million dollar ventures and have millions of fans around the world just from customizing sneakers.
It will take time to get things up and running but clothing design should get you good engagement rates on Instagram as well as brining in the possibility to quickly get passive income from your venture.
Curb your creativity the right way
Even though we might’ve listed the most lucrative and widely known niches, you can find lots of others that you could prosper in. Don’t forget that social media is full of diverse individuals, businesses and ideas. You can tap into all of them. If you curb your creativity and the creativity of someone that’s close to you towards a common goal, you should achieve it. Co-join our ideas of media types with the niches that are best suited for marketing on Instagram, and you have a possibility to become a household name on this social media platform.
So, for example, you can start a podcast about making money online or do animal grooming tutorials. It’s important to know about what’s trending, but to also not ignore your creativity. The latter comes first, but numbers don’t lie. So, you should have it easier if you can tailor your creative ideas with a niche that is full of content-hungry users.
Home improvement
Understanding the demand of home improvement content is very simple. People need homes, they needed them in the past and they will need them in the future which means that the world is in constant need for such content. If you know how to fix furniture, lay out the wiring, do electrical repairs or how to paint, use your knowledge and share it with others. Alternatively, you can hire someone who knowledgeable in the field or get someone you know and collaborate to make awesome content.
Here is an example!
Making food (quick videos)
Do you know Tasty? They’re arguably the biggest name on social media that’s related to food and recipes. You can find anything you want on there and the best thing about Tasty is how they deliver the content. They show sped-up timelapses of food production, right from ingredient gathering, all the way to dishing it on a plate.
Those 30-second or 1-minute long videos are a format of their own. If you know a tad bit about video editing and can videotape or timelapse the making of a particular dessert, exotic or just delicious dish – do it! Put a nice thumbnail at the beginning to attract clicks on the ‘Explore’ page and watch those likes, comments, shares and saves pour in.
Look at the mouthwatering example below and try to figure out how you can create such content and bask in your newly minted Instagram glory.
Creating gadgets
A dude by the name of ‘styropyro’ on Youtube has around 1.4 million subscribers, and according to Socialblade, earns as much as 100 grand per year just from YouTube alone. Most of his content is related to electric DIY and laser construction. He makes all kinds of crazy powerful laser beams and other similar gadgets that are interesting for people to see. The man has knowledge and shares it with the world. Shame is, no one uploads similar content on IG (wink, wink).
You can look at Hypeinventions to get inspired on what captivates the attention of people on Instagram. The account has hundreds of thousands of followers and they just reblog content from other places.
Unneccessary Inventions – a different kind of page. This is a much more light-hearted take on inventions.
Matt Benedetto is the man who runs this account and he dedicates his time to make phone cases from a shoe, umbrellas for loafers, the self-disarming alarm clock and tons of other unnecessary inventions. This is a great blend of humorous creativity and creating gadgets. If you do have certain skills and/or knowledge in a few fields related to carpentry, electronics, engineering or if you have access to a plethora of tools, maybe this would be the right direction to aim your account at. Start creating content about making specific gadgets. You’ll be surprised to see how many users might appreciate your inventiveness.
The hobby niche for your personal brand
We talked about DIY spheres like home improvement, food making and creating gadgets. However, we also feel like we need to shine the light on other hobbies as well. You have RC cars, photography, fishing, numismatic collection (coins) or any other collection, bike riding as well as reading or even video games. If you think about activities that people like to spend their time doing, you can purify a lot of niches that you could benefit from.
Try to pick an area that you’re interested in. Once you’ve done that, you can start out by creating content. You can either reblog or post unique photos and videos to attract followers. Even though the quarantine affected our hobbies and leisure significantly, some hobbies had a tremendous increase of following while others – not so much. Try to distinguish areas with upside potential by using Google Trends or similar services.
This page, for example, only reposts and reblogs interesting content, related to fishing from all over the web. They have over 40k followers and decent number of likes. You can begin by reblogging as well, and gradually move on to posting original content. However, make sure that you know rules and terms of reposting beforehand. You can get familiar with them here. Now let’s look at a different example.
Tucker Gott uses his own image, reputation and know-how to attract followers. He uses his Instagram page as personal hobbyist and leisure outlet. You can do that as well by promoting sports or active lifestyle-related content.
Original posts will always attract more likes in the long run, but it takes some time, effort and money to properly promote it. Use Instagram advertisements or buy likes and followers to quickly improve the prestige and/or reputation of your newly minted Instagram page. Choose how you want to begin and don’t waste another minute!
Memes & funny posts
You probably have seen one or more of @daquan posts.
It’s one of the biggest pages on Instagram but it only uploads memes that somebody else created. The page gets hundreds of thousands or even millions of likes even though the layout and the content which they upload was considered fresh and new in 2013-2014. There are thousands of other meme pages like this out there. You can find niche meme pages, for example @TerribleTrader which uploads content relevant to stock trading.
There are other accounts out there. You can find meme content for seemingly even the tiniest of things. If you lack ideas, just wait for the next show on Netflix to be launched, watch it and create a meme page focused around that show.
Furthermore, you can create original content on TikTok and reupload it on Instagram to get a lot of likes.
We’ve mentioned creative in the beginning of this article, but this is different. Whereas the former ideas should revolve around high-production quality and ideas, this niche is much more relaxed and easygoing. You don’t need to put too much effort into making these videos/memes. You can always find a perfect mixture of reposted and original content. Mere reposting will almost always bring engagement rates with high fluctuations. If you want a lot of likes from an audience which is loyal, try to craft original content as much as possible.